We are an old-fashioned country church. Our goal as a church is to be obedient to the LORD's Will and help our fellow man. We are involved in Ministries to the local prison, homeless shelter and numerous nursing homes. Our services are casual dress, because our goal is the condition of your heart before God, not your wardrobe before men. We are broken people with plenty of problems, but with God's help we are joyfully facing each day with a smile and looking forward to our Lord's return.

 7790 Woodleaf Rd, Woodleaf, NC 27054

---Weekly Services---

Drive in Service Sunday at 11am. Tune your radio to 97.7FM

Sunday School
Sunday Morning Worship

Sunday Evening Worship
No Service Tonight Due To Sickness

Wednesday Night Bible Study

We support the ​West Rowan Bible Teachers Association. 

 Click for more info!

Valentine Banquet  
February 15th at 6:00pm
Everyone is invited! Bring your family, friends and neighbors! We'll have a covered dish meal, games, prizes, and great fellowship.


Pastor Chris Williams

Join us in person or online!